Friday, October 31
Dearest Father,

We sang this song in church the other day, and I am reminded again and again.. That albeit You are God, you are also our intimate Father who longs to draw near to us..

Thank You for giving us life, and for loving us :)

"Ku milikki kasihMu
Yang tak ternilai bagiku
Meskipun tak kupunya,
Siapapun juga

Sungguh indah kasihMu,
Yang tak bersyarat untuk ku
Walaupun tak ada yang mengasihiku

Kau Tuhan adalah Bapaku
Yang sangat menyayangi ku
Tak pernah sekali pun, ku dapati
Kau sakiti hatiku

Kau Tuhan adalah Bapaku
S'lalu memperhatikan Ku
Tak ada alasan ku ragu-ragu
Ku serahkan hatiku

♥ Victoria Wong @ 12:47 AM - 0 comments
Thursday, October 30

Hey Daddy :)

Thank You that our life story is still in the process,

that tomorrow is not a promise;

but a chance.

Though filled with regrets and pain and mistakes along the way, slowly but surely with Your limitless grace + mercy + compassion; the story of our lives CAN glorify You.. That despite it all, in You there is joy + peace + all good things.

We love You.

Thank You :)
♥ Victoria Wong @ 9:06 PM - 0 comments
Wednesday, October 29
Hey Daddy,

Thank you for have the concept of family and home in the heart of every human being =)
i really don't know how life would be without family and home
like so cacated and so no life right?

Thank you for a house that i can call my home
Thank you for a group of people that i can call my family
Thank you!

♥ Desperate Witty Owl @ 3:03 PM - 0 comments
Dear God,

right now i wish time would stop-
so i can catch up on all the work,
so i can catch a little more sleep!

but i thank You, that You are fair,
You gave to each 24 hours in a day.

thank You, that You set order
and consistency every day.

thank You for clocks!
right now i hate to see them ticking away,
but still, i can't live without them. =)
♥ anna @ 1:45 AM - 2 comments
Thursday, October 23
Hey, Dad!

thank you for the fruits, non-china chocolates, and bracelet that was given to me at the apt time =D just when i needed chocolate, i was given =) not once but twice =D it surely made my day happy!

Oh, I need more food to study =D thank you for open a way for me go home tmr!! yea... =) home got more food, more food helps me to study more, study more hopefully better result! thank you Dad!

thank you for taking care of me while i didn't have enough sleep and walked like a drunkard -.-''
thank you for making sure i didn't masuk longkang/ parit/ fell over some pebbles

thank you for miraculously cause the so called no mercy lecturer to open the class for us!
I don’t know how it happens and i'm speechless. I’m supur grateful la…

Thank you for good course mate who were willing to face lecturer with the knowing of the lecturer super hard to talk with.

Thank you for being with me even though everything went so SALAH during the last CG meet. Thank you for letting know that I needed you strength more than ever.

Thank you for loving me even though many times I feel so ARG! =/

Thank you awesome + nice friends in UPM that i won't be alone =D

Thank you for TIME to study! despite me being the busy owl running everywhere, i still got time to study sociology paper 4 times =) THANK YOU!!! =D Thank you for your assurance =)

Thank you that i can online!!!!!!! =D


very thankful =D
♥ Desperate Witty Owl @ 1:11 PM - 2 comments
Monday, October 20
Dear God,

So many things to thank You for in the last week,
where do I start!

1. Thank You for a quick recovery! =)

2. Thank You that the lecturer allowed me to have another sitting for my midterms, although I later found out it's actually not allowed! What would I do if I had to forfeit 30% of my grades! and thank You that they're so so nice to me. =)

3. Thank You that we couldn't find a parking space nearer to the clinic we'd intended to go to, that we had to park farther away, and ended up going to a different clinic. we later found out I was the last patient, it's non-24-hours, which means a lower bill! only had to pay RM45 when I'd initially prepared RM60. =)

4. Thank You for McD porridge! not very yummy, but easily attainable. =)

5. Thank You for the cab driver who called out to me - I didn't have to wait at all. Thank You for the very clean, nice-smelling cab, friendly driver - I felt comfortable and didn't have to worry. Thank You that he sent me all the way up into Puduraya so I wouldn't get caught in the rain. He said, so I wouldn't fall sick again. =)

6. Thank You for the bus ticket!! I reached Puduraya at 4:08pm, and got a 4:30pm ticket! very amazing for a Friday evening. What are the chances that the
tickets were all sold out, and there was only 1 last ticket at 4:30pm?! Did You reserve that just for me, so I wouldn't have to wait at dingy Puduraya till 9:30pm? =)

7. Thank You for safe journeys to and fro. I've read of so many road accidents, but all my life I've never been in one. Your angels, they do their job well. =)

8. Thank You for my family, I love them!!! =)

9. Thank You for my church, my other family. =)

10. Thank You for showing me it's all alright, You've got my world in Your hands, I don't have to fret or be sad. Thank You for Your hand of protection, You care for me and show me Your love in so many little ways, everyday. Thank You that You know ahead of time, You have plans better than mine, and You go before me. =)
♥ anna @ 11:26 AM - 2 comments
Saturday, October 18
Hey Daddy,

thank you for being patience with me.
there were many times in this week, i felt like yelling out loud at others.
but because of your patience to me, i think they deserve more patience.
thank you for setting an awesome example for me

thank you for loving me
even i might be the worst counseling student, i know i am loved by you
thank you for your amazing love.

thank you for being the ROCK that i can lean on
gosh... i'm so tired of the stress and tension around me
i need You badly.
thank you for being there

thank you for crazy not easily terasa roomie

thank you for the rainbow
it's so pretty and magnificent
i can't imagine how magnificent you can be =)

thank you for being faithful despite of the unfaithfulness that happens
thank you.

thank you for loving us and me who always fail you =)

loving U =D
♥ Desperate Witty Owl @ 1:51 AM - 2 comments
Wednesday, October 8
Heavenly Father,
So grateful for funny friends...

Friends who find humor in the worst of things

Friends who don't mind squatting in the rain just to laugh

Friends who tickle u just to see that smile on my face

Friends who gimme stomach cramps coz of all the laughing

Friends who make me smile when a boring subject is on

Friends who make insanely crazy funny poems in class

Friends who are just like me.


I like =)
♥ Lydia J Xavier @ 3:25 PM - 0 comments
Hair is every woman's crowning glory
Hair is a blanket from cold winds
Hair tells the story of what we eat *
Hair is so amazing;
such great hands You have for crafting our hair. =)
♥ anna @ 12:27 PM - 0 comments
Dear God,

It was an eventful week for 3 friends i hold close-
2 loves lost,
and 1 who found,

None knows what tomorrow brings,
But we know that in years to come,
they will look back on the days in that week
and praise You,
for You are the Master Tweaker;
You turn mourning into dancing.

Your plans are good.
=) Thank You.
♥ anna @ 12:21 PM - 0 comments
Sunday, October 5
Hey Daddy,
have been a long time since i thank you here =)

thank you for taking care of me even when i'm not really taking care of myself
thank you for reminding about patience when it was the last thing i want to be reminded of
thank you for being who you are to me, faithful and just!
thank you for helping me through all the assignments and the pissed off moments
thank you for loving me unconditionally despite of my perangai, bad temper, and crappiness
thank you for giving me the strength to still call myself a Christian
thank you for blessing my family and me with good healthy
thank you for reminding me that i serve you and not the words of man
thank you for being there to rescue me during the emo emo times
thank you for guiding me to do my assignments so that i had time to go theater =) =)
thank you for protecting me while i was all alone
thank you for keep me in a pink of health despite of the rain, sun, skip meal, stay up late
thank you for always being there for me though i am not always ready for you

Daddy, i want to be always be there for you just as you have been for me.
Daddy, thank you for being a friend =)

thank you!
still in love with you =)
♥ Desperate Witty Owl @ 12:09 AM - 0 comments

from Your daughters,
♥ anna
♥ sue ern
♥ eunice
♥ victoria
♥ lydia

~ merely thankful for
Your love & grace ~

sites we luv!
Brio magazine
karen cheng

thank You notes
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
January 2010
April 2010
May 2010
October 2010
April 2012
May 2012
December 2012