Monday, February 9
Dearest Daddy,

You know that these few days have been particularly difficult for me.

And yet You remind me that this battle is not mine, but Yours.

I ask:
for Your strength,
for Your wisdom,
for Your comfort,
and for Your peace.

Thank You for asking me to live life a day at a time.
It's hard enough.
But Your grace is sufficient for me,
Your power is made perfect in my brokenness.

Though I fail people,

You keep telling me "Repent, confess, turn away, I will clean you again"

Though people fail me,

You will never ever fail me nor forsake me.

Thank You, sweet Lord.

Persevering in Your strength,
Victoria :)
♥ Victoria Wong @ 8:25 PM -
  • At March 25, 2009 at 3:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    WOW, Im encouraged by ur writings miss.... But what could you be struggling so much with ? Poor dear.. It seems to take such a toll out of you .

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from Your daughters,
♥ anna
♥ sue ern
♥ eunice
♥ victoria
♥ lydia

~ merely thankful for
Your love & grace ~

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