Monday, November 17
Hey Daddy,

Through your help, I survived my 5th semester in Uni.
Fuh! I was so wrong to think Uni would be easy road.
Thank you for you help and strength!

But then, sometimes I feel I didn't depend on your strength
And I did it my way and not yours. I'm sorry.
Thank you for your grace and being patient with me!

Through the hustle and bustle of my daily life,
many time I have forgotten and forsaken you
Thank you for your faithfulness and never leave me.

Oh gosh... it's hard living for you!
The longer I live for you, it seems harder.
Thank you for living the hardest life on earth that I may never ever say it's too hard.

As I look back, truly You heard my prayers.
The little, merepek, self-fish, mengada, stupid, lebih-lebih, crappy prayers, You heard it.
Thank you for listening to my insignificant prayer.

Before entering 5th semester, I was super emo about the seniors who graduated.
I didn't think I could enjoy or survive uni without them.
Thank you for proving me wrong and providing me with new-found friends =)

You have been good to me, really good
though I don't think I have been good to you
Thank you for your unconditional love that I could not and might never comprehend.

Thank YOU =)
♥ Desperate Witty Owl @ 7:36 PM -
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from Your daughters,
♥ anna
♥ sue ern
♥ eunice
♥ victoria
♥ lydia

~ merely thankful for
Your love & grace ~

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thank You notes